
Filming and editing idea: Inspiration from Salt

In our film we have decided to use for one of our voice-overs a Russian voice which we feel is very effective. The voice used by Orlov in the film although only some of it is in Russian the part which is in English is very mysterious and gives the audience the idea that there is something quite mysterious and interesting about the character. We as a group have decided that the Russian voice is going to be heard over the phone which will make his character even more suspicious and will make the audience want to watch on to see the identity of what we have portrayed as a very interesting character. We have also done research into the Russian language and have decided that we are going to use a Russian word 'Dasvidaniya' which is a formal way of saying bye in Russian. We believe that this will leave the audience in suspense as they will want to know what the word was meaning and also helps to emphasis just how unknown his identity is even to the other characters maybe.Thanks to the film Salt which has given us this great idea we were able to begin recording the voice voice over which is crucial in helping the ability of the audience to understanding the opening sequence.

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