
Evaluation: 7. What have I learnt in the progression from the preliminary task to the full product?

Since starting to prepare for the production of the opening sequence I have learnt many new editing techniques on the apple mac. I have also learnt a lot about filming and many of the camera shots and angles and what they are used for. Foe example you would use a low angle shot if you wanted to make a character seem strong and superior or an establishing shot would be used at the beginning if you wanted to give the audience an idea of what location the characters may be in.
Example of an establishing shot

I have also learnt that:
  • Shot lists
  • Screenplay
  • Storyboards
  • Scripts
  • Audience research
are vital if you want to produce a good quality and very organized film. The screenplay tells you of any dialogue and the order in which it is said, it also gives you the location of the character speaking which can be very helpful. In doing research into filming before starting to produce our film i found out that Me-En-Scene is very important as it can help to create the right atmosphere for your film and the props and costumes can help to portray characters as you want. Foe example in our opening sequence formal clothing is used to represent the seriousness of the character and the situation.

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