
Shank part 1 analysis of first 3 minutes

The establishing shot of this film is a close up of the boys feet whilst he ir running and the digetic sound of the motorbike engine that is chasing him also youn can hear deep breaths of the boy who is running. All three of these things represent danger and tell the audience that the boy is in danger as the fast paced non-digetic music in the background gets faster and louder the closer to danger he gets and helps to create tension and keeps the audience in suspense as they want to knkow what is going to happen next.

At 1:56 the editing technique of slow motion is used as he is vaulting over a metal hand railing. The slow motion puts the audiences focus on the stunt that he is doing and helps to exaggerate the danger of the situation he is in.

At around 2:19 a hand held camera is used to create a jerky unsteady image to create a sense of chaos which is the boy running from the motorcyclist and as they get closer to the camera it begins to jerk. The camera has been used to build up tension with the unsteady images.

At about 2:25 a low angle shot is used after he is trapped and has no choice but to jump. The low angle shot shows him just as he has jumped and makes him seem superior to the audience and as if he is in power even though he is being chased which suggests to the audience he is good at this sort of thing.

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