

Lighting and colour
The black and white writing in the opening credits puts the focus on the writing as they are two contrasting colours.

Camera angles and movement
While the opening credits are on a close up is used to show to something of importance and tells the audience it is important by focusing on it. This helps to emphasize the mysteriousness of the film by using close on things unknown to us but relevant to the film.

When the man is talking on the phone the framing is enclosed. This is so the audience know the phonecall is what their focus should be as it is important to this extract. The framing in this extract helps to emphasize the importance of the phone call and tell the audince the background is unirrellivant the background is in this part of he extract.

Everthing such as the objects we see in the extract lead the audience to believe the film is quite mysterious and scary as they seem pretty random in the audiences eyes and annd show no importance to them.

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